Results for the keyword transmission

Régis Debray
Believe, See, Do Crossings
In this work, Régis Debray gives free rein to his thoughts and tackles the varied subject matter provided by daily events encountered " in the news, out of the blue, or through friendship or surprise, at a moments notice and without great forethought. " The subjects he writes about range from " the Gulf War to a photo exhibit, from Tatis Jour de Fête to copyright registration, from a daydream about water to a meditation on road travel. " Other works by Régis Debray published by Editions Odile Jacob include Que Vive la République!, Tous Azimuts, and Transmettre.

Olivier Morin
How Traditions Are Born And Die Cultural Trans
A new approach to how culture is transmitted that helps us understand the multicultural society in which we live

Etty Buzyn
When the Child Frees Up of Our Past
All families unconsciously transmit their history. A new baby is both the bearer and divulger of that history...
Results : 1 to 6 from 6 books