Sociology All books

Jean-Louis André
Eating – What a Story!
A book for those who are interested in food and cuisine as social phenomena in contemporary history, from a unique angle.

Dominique Schnapper
Sociological Reflection on the Jewish Condition
Following the “days of suspicion” initiated in 1967 by the speech of General de Gaulle, which put an end to a form of accord between France and the State of Israel...

Martine Segalen, Nicole Athea
The Markets of Motherhood
Against surrogacy: an impassioned illumination from multiple angles to understand the debates and implications, and, above all, the practical realities with which it confronts us.

Gilles Mentré
Democracy For a Redistribution of Power
Gilles Mentré is a man whose ambition is as great as his innovative ideas. He has a strong personality, a network, and a strength of conviction that will ensure a strong promotional campaign.

Anne Muxel
The Other at a Distance When a Pandemic Affects Intimacy
A sociological analysis that looks in depth at the upheavals brought about by the pandemic that have affected the intimate side of our existence and our relationships with others.

Monique Dagnaud, Jean-Laurent Cassely
The Overeducated Generation The 20% Who Are Transforming France
The reconfigurations around education probably offer the most relevant angle of observation for understanding contemporary societies, and to decipher the popular resentment against the world of the educated elite.

David Lepoutre
Don’t Wonder Why Anymore, Wonder How A Guide for Simplifying Your Life
An original approach, far from the usual questioning that, too often, makes do with mono-causal explanations, which are necessarily over-simplified.

Barbara Polla
The New Feminisms Struggles and Dreams in the Post-Weinstein Era
New light shed on feminism by a woman involved in the women’s movement. To find oneself in a galaxy of feminist currents. A reflection on the status of women.