Ophtalmology All books

Jacques Laloum
Glaucoma Prevention, Detection, and Treatment
For the first time, a book of information written for a general audience and for patients, by one of the foremost specialists of this disease which affects more than a million French people.

Yves Pouliquen
The Revolution in Eye Surgery the Journey of a Great Surgeon
The exceptional journey of one of the greatest specialists in ocular surgery. A reflection on medicine and the extraordinary progress carried out in 50 years.

Michel Aubier
What to do to overcome asthma, an increasingly common disorder among children and teenagers?

Thanh Hoang-Xuan
Cataracts From diagnosis to treatment
Everything you should know about cataracts before and after the procedure

Yves Pouliquen
The Transparent Eye New Edition
A triumphant story of ophtalmology and its modern works of magic.

Yves Pouliquen, Jean-Jacques Saragoussi
Glasses or Laser?
New ways of correcting failing eyesight have been developed as a consequence of our increased lifespan...

Yves Pouliquen
The Action and the Mind
What does it signify for a surgeon to run the numerous risks, present in every slightest move, in accepting to operate on an eye ? What does it mean for the patient undergoing the operation to place themselves in the hands of strangers, inevitably with a degree of mistrust, in order to be able to see again ? The surgeon and the patient are in fact the protagonists of a human adventure, a scientific conquest and a forgotten medical revolution, which deserve to be related. This is especially since the surgery of the 21st century will also demand creativity, ingenuity, faith and discipline all the forms of engagement that one calls human intelligence Yves Pouliquen An internationally known specialist in ocular surgery, Professor Yves Pouliquen is the author of several books published with Odile Jacob, such as The Transparency of the Eye.