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Boris Cyrulnik
The Farmer and the Hot Air-Eaters
“How can we willingly obey, abandon ourselves to rote statements, accepting them as truth, without ever examining them?

Jacques Hochmann
Degeneration Theories Psychiatry and History
The unbelievable story of a mad psychiatric theory centered on the idea of heredity which was put to the most horrible of uses, while having a lasting effect on mentalities.

Anne-Marie Lugan Dardigna
Women of Literary Salon Feminism and the Literary Salon: Women in 18th-Century France
In France, the struggle for women’s rights is a very ancient one. In the 17th and 18th centuries it found expression in literary salons led by such famous figures as Madame de Tencin, Madame du Deffant, Madame Geoffrin and later by Madame du Châtelet and Madame d’Epinay.

Israël Finkelstein
The Forgotten Biblical Kingdom
One of the world’s greatest archaeologists reveals what the Bible doesn’t tell us.

Armand Laferrère
Politics of the Bible
The Bible is not just a spiritual treasure it is also a political manual for our times.