Linguistics, Psycholinguistics All books

Alain Bentolila
For a School of Resistance
An original and documented program of education policy that offers a response to the success of disinformation and extremisms confronting the young.

Laurent Danon-Boileau
When the Subject Speaks
Why do we speak? This banal question nonetheless encompasses a multiplicity of meanings.

Alain Bentolila
We Are Not Bonobos: I Talk, Therefore I Am
The conquest of language and writing against the chaos of the world and all its forms of manipulation

Jean-Noël Robert
Language and Science, Speech and Thought In the beginning, is it language, speech, or thought?
The fruit of the most recent autumn colloquium at the Collège de France, an interdisciplinary reflection on questions concerning the role of language and speech in the age of the internet and new technologies.

Claude Hagège
Music or Death The language of music explained by an eminent linguist
Music does indeed have a strong message to convey

Thierry Poibeau
Babel 2.0 Where does machine translation go?
The complexity of natural language and its ambiguities are well designed to confuse the fully rational algorithms of our computers. The

Claude Hagège
Religions, the Word and Peace
A unique and original contribution, both erudite and mordant, from a specialist, on the question of the ties between violence and religions, which is such a crucial one in today’s world.

Alain Bentolila
Language Against Barbarism Teaching Our Children to Live Together
Mastering language skills is crucial to a childs academic and social future. Children who know how to speak, read and write not only know how to think for themselves, they also know how to think with others, to accept them, and to find their own place in society.