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Max J. Skidmore, Marshall Carter Tripp
American Democracy
What do we really know about the United States? A superpower that fascinates for its success and irritates by its arrogance, this immense country is nonetheless an extraordinary political invention, a real laboratory of democracy. This book describes the functioning of the American regime, whose essence is that of being a perpetual creation.
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Didier Éribon
From Far and Wide
A famous anthropologist, known as one of the greatest minds of our time, C. Lévi-Strauss is a discreet man whose autobiographical writings are few. His talks with D. Eribon not only present the reader with the keys to his works, but also convey a new perspective of our time, a 20th century of discovery and catastrophy. Through intellectual anecdotes, tales of trips and meetings, secret tastes and dislikes, we discover at the same time a great scholar, a privileged witness, and a passionate, witty man.