
I. M. Pei, Émile Biasini, Jean Lacouture

Inventing the Great Louvre Publication date : October 1, 2001

L'Invention du Grand Louvre opens with a hundred-page history of the Louvre, over the course of which Jean Lacouture retraces the landmark's many metamorphoses: from the castle of Philippe-Auguste to several different types of palaces, museum and ministerial alike, all the way up to the decision made by Mitterrand in 1981.
This historical presentation is followed by a discussion by the architect I.M. Pei, in which he recounts his involvement in the Louvre's evolution, the birth of the idea of the pyramides, various obstacles along the way, and the ultimate success of the venture.
Finally, Emile Basini, director of the nascent museum, discusses the process of the decision, debates, conflicts, and their resolutions effected by Mitterrand.
It is a book that showcases two of the principal inventors of the Grand Louvre 'the asian-american architect Pei and the former Minister of Great Works Emile Biasini 'who, along with the historical help of Jean Lacouture, offer the reader a fascinating gem of French history.