
Coralie Miller, Dominique Miller

First Lady Publication date : September 18, 2019

Coralie Miller has written numerous documentaries (Sauvages, nos vies dans les zoos humains/Arte; Lorsque Dolto paraît/France 3). She directed her first film, Français juifs, les enfants de Marianne on the relationships between French Jews and the Republic. She adapted and directed Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, and is the author of two plays, Journal de ma fille, and Terminus.
Dominique Miller has been a psychoanalyst for thirty years. A member of the École lacanienne ECF (École de la cause freudienne – School of the Freudian Cause), formerly professor at the University of Paris-8 in the department of psychoanalysis created by Jacques Lacan at Vincennes, she is the author of Psychanalyse 6 heures et ¼ (Seuil, 2001) co-authored with Gérard Miller, and La Psychanalyse et la Vie (Odile Jacob, 2005).
To assume the role of the First Lady of France, while remaining a woman and wife, is not an easy task! This is, however, the challenge with which Florence is faced, because Michel, the man she loves, has just been elected president of the Republic. To leave her apartment, as well as her private life, see her partner espouse the Republic and devote all his time to it, manage her new role at the same time as her profession as clinical director at the hospital, to be the father and the mother, and even the mother-in-law for her family of four children… a balance is not easy to find, and Florence confides this to her great friend, who also knows, but in a different way that relates to her own story, the pain and the surprises that love presents to a woman. And then, there is the third First Lady, Juliette, Michel’s daughter, the one for whom the success of her father and of his “other” wife presents an abyss into which she will throw herself…