Françoise Sironi
Bibliography (2)

Françoise Sironi
Torturers and Victims The Psychology of Torture
To fight against torture, a simple denunciation of violence is not enough. It is necessary to help the victims find a "normal life" again. According to Françoise Sironi, this supposes an penetration into the mind of the torturer. How is it possible to influence someone to the point of forcing them to confess, reveal information and betray others? Physical violence alone does not suffice. What psychological methods are used ? The mechanisms of torture can only be understood by an examination of how torturers are "created". Françoise Sironi is a lecturer in clinical psychology and psychopathology at the University of Paris-VIII and director of the Georges Devereux Centre for Ethnopsychiatry at the University of Paris-VIII. She is also the co-founder of the Centre Primo Levi, which specialises in the treatment of victims of torture and collective violence.