Marie-France Le Heuzey
Bibliography (5)

Marie-France Le Heuzey
The Hyperactive Adolescent
A book to help parents understand hyperactive adolescents and adopt the right approach

Marie-France Le Heuzey
The Anorexic Child Understanding and taking action
These days, anorexia can affect children from as young as 8 years old. It is no longer just a disease found among teenagers, and it can concern boys aswell as girls. What are the signs of this new form of mental anorexia ? Should you be concerned if you notice a change in behaviour towards food ? How can you help your child ? How can you avoid reaching this point ? A fresh look at this disease and a reflection on the place of the child in our society. Marie-France Le Heuzey is a psychiatric doctor, and coordinates the treatment of anorexic children in the department of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology at the Robert-Debré hospital in Paris.

Marie-France Le Heuzey
The Hyperactive Child
What causes hyperactivity? Who to blame: society, parents, genetics? How should Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(AD/HD) be treated? Is AD/HD a genetic or a family problem? Should children suffering from AD/HD be medicated? With its numerous case studies, pertinent advice and accessible scientific explanations, this book is bound to become the basic reference work on AD/HD for the general reader. Marie-France Le Heuzey is a medical psychiatrist.