Michel Delage
Bibliography (5)

Michel Delage
The Time to Exist
Characteristics of temporal experience, the way in which it intervenes in the construction of identity, the modifications it undergoes in the course of a life, when one goes from childhood to adolescence, then to an adult age and old age.

Michel Delage, Antoine Lejeune
Memory Without Recall
The identification of the various facets of a composite memory, with its neuro-cerebral bases and the complex relationships it maintains with our conscious memory. By two clinicians, one neurologist and the other psychiatrist, the presentation of therapeutic applications of this memory in the field of trauma, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's, body-oriented psychotherapy techniques and even family therapies.

Michel Delage
The Emotional Life and Attachment In the Family
The evolution of emotional ties and relations within the modern family

Michel Delage, Boris Cyrulnik
Family and Resilience
This book delves further into the notion of resilience, examining it in the light of the family group.