Nicole Delattre
Bibliography (1)

Nicole Delattre, Daniel Widlöcher
Reviewing Psychoanalysis
The task that the authors, Nicole Delattre et Daniel Widlöcher, have set themselves in this book is to take stock of what is useful and reliable in psychoanalysis today. Daniel Widlöcher sets out his view of this unique discipline, and the great concepts that it brings together, in addition to observing its pioneers and different spheres. In particular, he outlines his vision of the future of psychoanalysis, which is presently enjoying a revival. A professor at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Daniel Widlöcher has for many years headed the psychiatry department at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. He is the president of the International Association of Psychoanalysis and is notably the author of Métapsychologie du sens, of Logiques de la dépression and of Nouvelles Cartes de la psychanalyse. Nicole Delattre is a professor of philosophy