Results for the keyword 14-18

Nicolas Offenstadt
1914-18 Today The Great War in Contemporary France
A complete history of the “memory” of the Great War in the contemporary mind

Jean-Michel Blanquer, Marc Milet
The Invention of the State Léon Duguit, Maurice Hauriou and the Birth of Modern French Public Law
How France’s judicial state was constructed in the early years of the 20th century, as reflected in the lives of two eminent legal figures

Sophie Delaporte
Saturday 22 August 1914 A Doctor at War
The bloodiest day in France’s history as it was lived by a doctor in the Great War

Nicolas Offenstadt
Shot at Dawn : The Executed of the Great War And the Collective Memory (1914-1999)
Why were some soldiers tried and executed by their own military authorities during World War I? Using previously unpublished source material, the author has been able to throw light on one of the most sombre episodes of the Great War. Besides reviewing the history of the events themselves, the author also examines the struggle with the military authorities to clear the soldiers names, beginning in the period between the two world wars. By the 1960s, the public image of the executed soldiers had begun to change. It would culminate in the British campaign to grant them an official pardon and in the French decision to remember them a ceremony. How, he asks, did these changes come about? Nicolas Offenstadt is a graduate of the Institut des Etudes Politiques, in Paris. He holds an agrégation in history and is a member of the Thiers Foundation.

Nicolas Offenstadt
Soldiers Executed during World War I
Why were some soldiers tried and executed by their own national military authorities during World War I?
Results : 1 to 6 from 6 books