Results for the keyword aphasia
Anne-Lise Giraud
The Brain and Speaking Disorders Aphasia, Dyslexia, Deafness, Stuttering
Both clear and detailed, a book that provides correct answers to the questions that are asked about speech and the pathologies related to it.
Gisèle Gelbert
The Illiterate Brain
Is illiteracy a social scourge, or is it an aphasia-like disorder? To find the answer, Gisèle Gelbert delves into the mysteries of the brain of an illiterate person, and teaches us the art of `repairing' it. By thoroughly breaking down each linguistic act, she is able to define and localise with great accuracy the disorders observed in both written and oral expression. She also makes use of the schema to develop exercices that are especially adapted to the clinical observation of localised disorders, thus opening the door to new therapeutic possiblilities. Gisèle Gelbert is a neurologist and aphasiologist. She is the author of "Lire c'est vivre "(Opus, 1996) and "Lire c'est aussi écrire" (1998).
Gisèle Gelbert
The Mechanics of Reading Skills Learning to read, but how and why?
A therapeutic approach to language disorders has been shown to work.
Results : 1 to 3 from 3 books