Results for the keyword artistic genius
Pierre Lemarquis
Aesthetic Empathy
The powerful impact of art on the human brain, in the light of the latest advances in the neurosciences
Mario Livio
The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number A mathematical myth
The Golden Ratio is a captivating journey through art and architecture, botany and biology, physics and mathematics.
Polo Tonka
I Am the Crazy One
In the vein of his earlier work, the author, a true writer, speaks with great clarity about his mental state, and shares the excesses of it with humor and irony.
Agnès Desarthe, René Urtreger
King René
The life and destiny of an artist of genius. The talent of Agnes Desarthe brings a whole era back to life
Roger Vigouroux
The Making of Beauty
Where does the gift of artistic genius come from? Why Mozart, why Doestoevsky and Van Gogh? What happens in the brain of a man who devotes his life to writing, painting or music? What is it that pushes us towards the pleasure of listening to a symphony, to the emotion of contemplating a painting, to the joy of reading a poem? Roger Vigouroux is a neurologist.
Jean-Noël Beuzen
Music: From Creative Genius to Healing Therapy
A psychiatric study of music, genius and madness
Christophe Paradas
The Mysteries of creativity Psychoanalysis and aesthetic
A reflection on the mystery of creativity and on why art can be so disturbing