Results for the keyword collaborative economy
Monique Dagnaud
The Californian Paradigm How the spirit of cooperation can change the world
An original reflexion on California as a new social and political model. A high-quality argument on the possibility of an alternative economy and society that is more cooperative and egalitarian.
Didier Lombard
New Economy, New Industry Industry: from low cost to high tech
An overview of French industry by the former head of France Telecom. Clear and applicable solutions to reverse direction: produce better quality, and stay competitive.
Philippe Moati
The Sick Hyperconsumer Society
Hyperconsumption undermines social cohesion and “living together”
Judith Rochfeld, Valérie-Laure Benabou
Who Profits When You Click? How Value Is Distributed on the Net
The battle for control over digital data
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books