Results for the keyword education
Stanley Greenspan, Jacqueline Salmon
The Challenging Child (Coll. Opus) Understanding, Raising, and Enjoying the Five
There always comes a time when parents think that their child has become impossible. Hyper-sensitivity, withdrawal, systematic indiscipline, concentration difficulties, aggressiveness : through five cases of difficult children, Stanley Greenspan explains how to help by emphasising the sensory and motional differences of each of child. Importantly this book allows parents to identify for themselves the personality of their child, in order to find in the childs weaknesses the ingredients for future success. Stanley Greenspan is a doctor of medicine, and a teacher of psychiatry, behavioural psychology et paediatrics at the George Washington Faculty of Medicine in the United States. Jacqueline Salmon is a journalist at the Washington Post.
Hubert Montagner
The Child : The Real Question of Education
This ambitious work aims to provide a comprehensive view of the mechanisms, processes, influences, factors, and past and present events that may keep children from constructing, structuring or mobilising their abilities in an academic environment, and from acquiring new abilities and successfully constructing the required learning skills. In the struggle against academic failure, the main tool is understanding the child better. In order to do this, it is essential to base educational practice on the most recent knowledge.
Claude Hagège
The Child who speaks two languages
At what age should we learn a second language? Which are the intellectual faculties which bilinguism helps to develop? What is the compared efficiency of language learning in childhood and in adulthood? In which case does a person forget a language, particularly a mother tongue? Claude Hagège tells us here that anybody can become perfectly bilingual and how Europe, which is not the continent where the most bilingual people are found, can multiply their number. Indeed, the challenge of bilingualism is at the heart of European union. C. Hagège, professor at the Collège de France, has published in particular L'Homme de paroles and Le Souffle de la Langue.
Georges Charpak
Children, Researchers and Citizens
Georges Charpak has taken the initiative for a complete reform of our methods of science teaching. He proposes a teaching method based on creativity and problem-solving, instead of the old theoretical, book-based approach. This book recounts the experiences of two teams of French educators in a research institution created by Leon Lederman in Chicago, and the lessons which we can take from their experiences. Pollens shows that to learn is to discover, and that it is in discovering that one learns. Georges Charpak is a Nobel laureate in physics, and the author of La vie à fil tendu and Feux follets et champignons nucléaires, both published by Editions Odile Jacob.