Results for the keyword evolution of societies
Serge Braun
The Babel Syndrome
A philiosophical reflection on the links between science, religion and more broadly the various areas of culture.
Jean-Claude Carrière
The impact of science is on the wane — while religious belief is omnipresent and all-powerful
Sylvie Thénault
The Hidden Side of Colonial Algeria Camps, administrative internment, house arrest
An essential new work in the study of French colonial history
Gérard Bléandonu
What do our children dream ?
When does the foetus start to dream? What are its early dreams? What is the function of infant dreams? What is the impact of nightmares? How do dreams evolve during adolescence? Gérard Bléandonu brings to these questions his experience as a psychotherapist specialising in children suffering from psychological difficulties. The author also makes use of recent findings in neuro-physiology which have improved our understanding of dream mechanisms. Gérard Bléandonu is a psychiatrist and head of Child Psychiatry at the regional hospital of Savoie, France. He is the author of numerous works on child and adolescent psychiatry.
Pascal Picq
Who will take power? Great apes, Politicians or Robots
Like Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind… with a dash of humour and a knowledge of prehistory too! Transhumanism, which is at the core of this book, is the subject of the moment.
Results : 1 to 5 from 5 books