Results for the keyword fat
Jean-Marie Bourre
From the Animal to the Plate
Traditionally, meat was the basis of our meals. Today it has become the object of dietary resentment: too much fat, too rich, too heavy... Yet meat contains proteins essential to a healthy existence. J.-M. Bourre joins the search for meat replacements, exploring the riches of the sea, the ressources found in vegetal proteins, innovative cooking techniques, and recent changes in breeding.
Jean-Marie Bourre
The Good Fats
Are fats the demons of modern times? Are they the bane of too rich diets? Are they the poison of opulent societies? Without fats, which are an absolute necessity for our brain and our health, life would be impossible. Fats are also the vectors of culture, through the many joys of cooking.
Results : 1 to 3 from 3 books