Results for the keyword music
Isabelle Peretz
Learn Music What’s New in the Neurosciences
The fruit of more than thirty years of research on the neurobiological foundations of music in conjunction with education, which tells us everything about the way in which music acts and transforms our brain.
Virginie Pape
Life’s Music
The beneficial effects, in both paediatrics and gerontology, of the distant music that composes our lives
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart's Brain
In this book, the author uses episodes from Mozarts life which illustrate a specific aspect of musical perception. He explores the mechanisms of musical memory - how is it mentally possible to memorise a fifteen-minute musical composition for nine voices, in two choirs? Is this ability due to a listening technique? To an emotionally-based one? What mental operations are at work in musical memory, in general? Bernard Lechevalier is a neurologist specialising in neuropsychology, and a professor of neurology and medicine in teaching hospitals.
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart’s Brain
The author uses some of the most iconic incidents from Mozart’s life as a springboard to explore the mechanisms of musical perception.
Claude Hagège
Music or Death The language of music explained by an eminent linguist
Music does indeed have a strong message to convey
Jean-Noël Beuzen
Music: From Creative Genius to Healing Therapy
A psychiatric study of music, genius and madness