Results for the keyword social relations
Philippe Moati
The Sick Hyperconsumer Society
Hyperconsumption undermines social cohesion and “living together”
Guy Groux, Michel Noblecourt, Jean-Dominique Simonpoli
Social Dialogue in France
Never has the potential for social dialogue been greater. Never has the law given so much autonomy to social partners...
Raphaël Hadas-Lebel
The Future of France’s Fifth Republic and Its Institutions in 18 Questions
Should France abandon the five-year presidential term? Should it proscribe political cohabitation (following the failure of the presidential party to acquire a parliamentary majority)? Is a second chamber necessary? How can the Constitutional Council be made to evolve?
Vincent deGaulejac
Untangling Psychic Knots When the Past Acts in Me
This reflection is supported by very rich clinical material: victims of military dictatorships in South America; mothers of jihadists; people suffering from mental disorders, etc…