Results for the keyword stepparents

Nicolas Favez
The Art of Being Co-Parents How can parents best handle co-parenting?
From parenting to co-parenting: the new challenge that parents today must face and for which they must be prepared.

Sylvie Cadolle
Being a Step-parent The Recomposition of the Family
More than one million children in France live permanently or occasionally with a step-parent. What place does a step-parent hold in the family of a child whose parents are divorced or separated? What role does he or she play? Is it sufficient to know how to love in order to succeed in reconstructing a family? This is the first French investigation into the relations between step-parents and step-children that allows both the adults and the children to freely express themselves. Sylvie Cadolle teaches philosophy and educational sociology.

Didier Pleux
The Thetis Complex To enjoy or not to enjoy life; finding the right balance
The Thetis complex, or the increasingly widespread difficulty in finding a good balance between the quite natural desire to enjoy life, and the acceptance that everything cannot be lived according to one’s desires.
Results : 1 to 3 from 3 books