Results for the keyword strategy
Frédéric Charillon
A World of Influences Soft Power
An ambitious and convincing work that aims to present the new face of international relations.
Jean-Denis Bredin, Thierry Lévy
Convince A Discussion of Eloquence
Two of France's most celebrated lawyers demonstrate the power of skillfuloration and how it can subordinate the actual facts. Anyone that is fascinated by speech, judicial history, and the art of debate, will truly enjoy gaining the knowledge, power and sense of conquest that this book imparts as they learn from the masters how to use eloquence advantageously. Entertaining, savage and brillant, this dialogue promises to help all with the art of elocution.
Edward N. Luttwak
Coup d'Etat : A Practical Handbook
What are the prerequisite conditions for a coup détat ? How to class the forces of law and order according to their possibility for intervention ? How to infiltrate the security system which every state uses to protect itself ? How to choose which targets to occupy, which to neutralise, and which people to isolate ? How to form, organise, and utilise the resources necessary for the fulfilment of a coup détat ? It is to these questions that this book, which broke a real taboo on its first publication in 1967, aims to provide concrete answers.
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, François Heisbourg
French Strategic and Military Yearbook 2002-2003
The advent of hyperterrorism on "9/11" and subsequent military operations have marked the return of strategic affairs as a core concern of the citizens of our countries. This French Strategic and Military Yearbook analyses from a European vantage point the major themes of our time: American military operations, Russsia's new geopolitics, the struggle against mass destruction terrorism. The Yearbook is complemented by on-line data provided by the Paris-based Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS).