Results for the keyword teaching

Hervé Glasel
Academic Success for All Cognitive Sciences and Children with Learning Difficulties
How can children with learning difficulties be helped? The neurosciences offer a number of concrete solutions for teachers and parents

Alain Bentolila
For a School of Resistance
An original and documented program of education policy that offers a response to the success of disinformation and extremisms confronting the young.

Françoise Brochard-Wyart, David Quéré, Madeleine Veyssié
Incredible Mister Pierre Gilles de Gennes Memories
A revival of "The French Feynman" through selected pieces, most of them previously unpublished. Scientific curiosity knows no borders; sharing it can abolish them.

Stanislas Dehaene
A clear and precise explanation of the essential mechanisms that make our brain the most efficient tool for learning that we know of today...