Catalog All books
Antoine Alaméda
The 7 Domestic Sins
What with neurotic mothers and absent fathers, the family unit itself can be held accountable for most childhood psychological problems.
Jean-Marc Daniel
8 Lessons in Economic History
A masterly lesson in economics based on history and examples
Antoine Guédeney
A Baby Doesn’t Wait Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Distress in the Very Young Child
The adventure of The Alarm Distress Baby Scale, which has become a formidable tool for prevention in perinatal and early childhood care.
Anca Visdei
A Biography of Alberto Giacometti
A fascinating narrative that recounts the life of a major artist and his relationship with his work and with creation, in which relationships with those close to him, notably with his mother, played an important role.
Serge Stoléru
A Brain Named Desire Neuroscience, sex and love
This book follows the route that has led to a better understanding of sexual desire and love: from psychology to neuroscience, passing through attachment theory, ethnology and the theory of evolution.
Laurence Caron-Verschave, Yves Ferroul
A Century Ago Marrying for Love Was a Novelty A New History of the Western Couple
The history of male-female relations, from earliest times to the present
Conseil franco-britannique, Giles Radice, Jacques Viot
A Century of the Entente Cordial Franco-British Council
The publication of this book commemorates the centenary of the signing of the Entente Cordiale, a key date in Anglo-French relations. T
Henri Danon-Boileau, Gérard Dedieu-Anglade
A Certain Kind of Stubbornness Living With Very Old Age
A reflection on the profound changes imposed by old age; an analysis of the dead ends it can lead to and what to do to keep on loving life and others.
Boris Cyrulnik
A Child in the War: Memoirs
For the first time, Boris Cyrulnik recounts his early years, the war, his life as a hidden child, police roundups and how he found the strength to survive.