
Michel Tirouflet

About our days Publication date : November 25, 2015

Michel Tirouflet is the manager of a consulting firm. He is the author of André Diethelm (1896-1954), le pillier de la France libre (Nicolas Chaudun, 2013), L’Incontournable du patrimoine, petit ou grand (De Vecchi, 2008) and, with Jean-Pierre Tirouflet, Eléments d’économie politique (Armand Colin, 1995).

Every day the news floods us with reports of catastrophes: wars, attacks, rape, infanticide... It’s enough to make anyone believe the world has never been so violent. But what if — contrary to widespread belief — the world is in the process of becoming better, more civilised and more humane?
Drawing on great works of literature, Michel Tirouflet shows that, in every area — the status of women, warfare, capital punishment, racism, torture, slavery and even international relations — the world is becoming a better place.

• An honest critique of today’s received wisdom.