
Georges Dobias

Toward Intelligent Automobiles Traffic and Security Publication date : May 1, 2003

Problems surrounding road traffic have become a major issue in France. Not only do traffic accidents cause twice as many deaths as they do in the U.K., but the highway system seems to be thrown into disarray at the least difficulty (a minor snowfall recently left thousands of cars stranded throughout the night).
In this book, Georges Dobias, who was in charge of all types of traffic in the Paris region for twenty years, explains how the French transport system works — and why sometimes it doesn’t work.
He reveals the complex ways — underground, on the ground, and away from the ground — in which traffic managers go about resolving a threefold problem: ensuring the flow of several means of road transport (cars, lorries, coaches, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, trams, pedestrians, rollerbladers); optimise travel time; and ensure the safety of all road users.
In addition, Dobias explores potential future means of transport: intelligent cars and the development of combined solutions (such as road-rail links).

Georges Dobias is a civil engineer and former president of the Syndicat des Transports de l’Ile de France.