
Lionel Coudron, Corinne Miéville

Yoga Therapy:Treating Digestive Disorders Publication date : May 13, 2014

Lionel Coudron is a physician. He has taught yoga for more than thirty years and is currently the director of the Yoga Therapy Institute. He is the author of the highly successful Le Yoga. Bien vivre ses émotions and Le Yoga-thérapie.
Corinne Miéville teaches yoga and trains yoga instructors with Lionel Coudron at the Yoga Therapy Institute.

Digestive problems are widespread. About 8% of the French population reportedly suffers from them, and the resulting discomfort causes fatigue and overall health problems. Research has shown that besides being vulnerable to the emotions, stress and burnout, the digestive tract possesses its own nervous system which communicates with the brain, so that the state of one necessarily influences that of the other. A healthy digestive tract and intestine will thus have a positive impact on overall physical and psychic well-being.
Slow digestion, stomach ache, reflux, bloating, intestinal contractions, bowel transit disorders: how can yoga help problems such as these, which people often hesitate to bring up?
Yoga therapy consists in applying yoga to health. It associates yoga exercises (postures, breathing, meditation, relaxation) to lifestyle (nutrition, pace) and affects the various aspects of the self: physiology, anatomy, psyche. This concise practical guidebook offers a personalised consultation that will enable readers to determine the causes of their problems and treat them naturally, actively and effectively. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

• Digestive disorders concern 70% of gastroenterological consultations. Twice as many women as men suffer from digestive problems.
• When medication doesn’t work, yoga with its natural, holistic approach can be particularly effective in responding to digestive disorders.
• The clearly illustrated yoga postures described here are easy to follow, without assistance.
• Step-by-step exercises and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.
• The author is a renowned yoga teacher.