
Philippe Boudaroua

Keeping Your Pet in Perfect Health Publication date : October 19, 2006

Is your pet healthy and in good form? Is it ageing well?
Based on his day-to-day experience as a veterinarian, Philippe Boudaroua answers these questions and says what to do to ensure that your pet (cat or dog) will live a long, healthy life.
He shows how to detect health hazards, how to identify various symptoms and how to set up the appropriate health care.
Philippe Boudaroua offers explanations and solutions for a variety of health problems that your pet may encounter, including:
• appearance: fluctuating weight, ageing skin, loss of hair or fur
• attitude: awkward gait, limping, refusal to jump
• behaviour: sleep, memory (Alzheimer’s), sociability, appetite, lack of cleanliness, depression, aggression, changes in personality or psychology
• senses: orientation, vision, hearing, sense of smell, sexuality
• pain

This book takes a preventive approach to animal health. It also discusses new health problems related to pets’ increased life expectancy.
Readers will find the medical advice presented here easy to apply to their pets’ daily routine. The information provided is enlivened with many heart-warming anecdotes and lively encounters with Misty, Pong, Kheops, Nestor and their owners.

Philippe Boudaroua is a veterinarian and has created a specialised consultancy in animal geriatrics.