
Gilbert Lagrue

Ageing Well is Possible: I’ve Done It Publication date : September 12, 2013

Gilbert Lagrue is an honorary professor in the faculty of medicine at Paris-XII University. A specialist in vascular diseases, he pioneered the study and treatment of tobacco addiction, in France. He is notably the author of Parents: alerte au tabac et au cannabis (2008) and Arrêter de fumer (2006), published by Editions Odile Jacob.

Life expectancy is rising and many people wish to live as long as possible. But simple survival is not enough. What people want is to be able to live fully — and that means remaining active and independent. How can this be achieved? What are the keys to successful longevity?
No one could be better qualified to discuss longevity than the 91-year-old physician Gilbert Lagrue, who shares with us here his insights into what successful ageing means.
In this book, he describes the main guidelines to healthy living and examines the validity of the various recommendations traditionally made by medical practitioners concerning exercise, eating habits, lifestyle, new forms of medical treatment, etc.
In addition, the author aims to help each reader identify the principal driving force in his or her own life, and to adopt the behaviour that will ensure the fullest possible existence.

• The population is ageing not just in the West but also in many other parts of the world.
• This is a positive, personal testimonial on ageing.
• As a man and as a physician, the author offers expert advice on ageing.
• What really works to enable us to age well?