
Jean-Philippe Zermati

Let’s Find a More Peaceful Relationship with Our Bodies in Order to Lose Weight Publication date : November 6, 2019

Jean-Philippe Zermati is a physician and nutritionist, behavioral therapist, a specialist in eating disorders. A pioneer in criticizing diets, today his approach has been recognized and validated; he is the author of several works, including Maigrir sans regrossir – est-ce possible? And Maigrir sans régime. [English?]
No one today is able to offer a satisfying explanation for the obesity epidemic. But one thing is certain: the way we are dealing with excessive weight is largely contributing to the aggravation of the phenomenon. Dieting doesn’t enable people to lose weight and keep it off, and bears a lot of responsibility in the development of eating disorders and increasing weight gain. Diets are all doomed to fail.

The idea that it is enough just to do what is necessary to achieve one’s desired weight is simply wrong.

The idea of eating yoghurt or taking a shower to respond to an emotional need to eat is completely idiotic.

The idea of eating only in response to one’s feelings of hunger or of being full, even if I’ve supported that notion, actually proves unrealistic.

To recover a healthy relationship with food and a body at its optimal weight, one must free oneself of that tyranny of control and losses of control, and rediscover a desire to eat that responds to our needs.