
Chantal Hausser-Hauw

The Sleep Consultation A Practical Medical Guidebook Publication date : September 29, 2011

Chantal Hausser-Hauw is a neurologist and neurophysiologist. She heads the neurophysiology unit at Hôpital Foch, in Suresnes, near Paris, and consults at the American Hospital of Paris.

Who can claim never to have suffered from a sleep disorder? As precious as it is fragile, sleep can easily become disturbed or troubled without any apparent reason or obvious solution.
When patients consult their doctors on these issues they may complain of “being unable to sleep” or even of “no longer sleeping”; others say they sleep “badly”, that their sleep is “troubled” or that they constantly feel “tired” from the moment they wake up.
Such simple, rather vague assessments hide a variety of distinct situations, which must be carefully differentiated in order to identify the appropriate treatment, with or without recurring to professional help. Conceived as a one-on-one consultation, this guidebook provides answers to all the possible cases of sleeplessness.

• A guidebook for the entire family that explains how to treat sleep disorders at every age.
• A book covering a wide range of sleep disorders, from minor to major, from the most to the least common.
• Each sleep disorder is presented through an easy-to-follow case history with which the reader can identify.