
Annie Lacuisse-Chabot

Life and Weight Stories Publication date : March 26, 2009

Weight loss has the power to change lives. But to shed kilos we must do more than follow rules; we must understand that transformation is possible, that there is something to gain from weight loss, and that we can get more out of life — whether we are obese or slightly overweight. To slim successfully we must alter our behaviour and develop new strategies.

That is what is shown here in this book constructed around the stories of twelve of the author's patients. As these cases reveal, questions of weight and weight loss are less significant than personal transformation, self-confidence, a trusting patient-doctor relationship, and increased confidence as the patient begins to slim.

Above all, these twelve exemplary stories show that self-reconciliation (not that anyone should accept being overweight) is possible. You need only follow the advice offered in this book, and gradually work on making minor changes in your life. Slimming, argues the author, can also be a healing process.

Weight problems and obesity are increasing. In France alone 33% of the population is overweight or obese. Through the representative stories of twelve patients suffering from different types of weight problems, Dr Annie Lacuisse-Chabot describes with empathy how each patient found the path to health.

A practical section is included here, with a nutritional guide, tips on food quantities, recipes.

Dr Annie Lacuisse-Chabot is an endocrinologist specialising in diabetes and nutrition. She is a lecturer at the medical faculty of Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière and participates in the Groupe de Réflexion sur l'Obésité et le Surpoids.