
Gérard Slama

Living Better with Diabetes Third edition revised and expanded Publication date : May 30, 2018

Dr. Gérard Slama is head of the department of diabetology at the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital in Paris, and president of the Association of Francophone Diabetologists.
How can one live better with diabetes? A crucial question for that chronic illness that requires an active participation by the afflicted person. Living better means first learning how to understand the pathology to better control it. This new edition enables this. Many things have changed in the treatment of diabetic patients, in particular new molecules, new insulins, new research are now available.

The techniques for monitoring blood-glucose on a daily basis are undergoing a revolution which is only just beginning. New antidiabetic medicine has appeared. The contributions of new methods for exploring and screening complications, in particular ophthalmological, cardiac, and vascular, are explained. Quality of life is not forgotten: sleep apnea is the object of a new chapter; contraception and hormonal treatments for the diabetic woman are brought up to date.

Today, the diabetic patient can attain much greater autonomy and a better quality of life. The information presented in this book contribute to this. A reference work to be well taken care of and to take care of oneself well.