
Jacques Fricker

Personalised Dieting Publication date : March 1, 2001

Just as there is no ideal weight, so there is no single perfect diet to suit everyone. Before deciding on a specific weight-loss programme, various factors must be taken into consideration, including the dieter’s age, sex, specific circumstances and wishes. Jacques Fricker offers each dieter a personalised weight-loss programme, covering a wide range of cases:
- Weight loss in adolescence
- Slimming in harmony with the menstrual cycle
- Slimming and pregnancy
- Post-natal dieting
- Slimming and menopause
- Diets for diabetics
- Diets for cardiac patients
- Dieting and depression
- Dieting and quitting smoking

Jacques Fricker replies to the many questions that dieters ask: Is rapid weight loss dangerous? Can it lead to fatigue or depression? What effect does it have on health, the brain and sleep patterns?

At the end of the book, there are several pages of recipes which will enable readers to put the various diets into practice.

Jacques Fricker is a doctor and nutritionist working at the Hôpital Bichat, in Paris. He is the author of Maigrir Vite et Bien.