
Jean-Marie Bourre

Why Milk Is Good for You Publication date : April 16, 2010

“There can be no doubt that milk has become one of the most discussed and controversial elements in our diet. But what do the facts tell us? This book is an attempt to establish the truth about milk in the light of scientific and medical knowledge and to denounce allegations of milk's dangers.

“Some people go so far as to claim that milk favours bone demineralisation and, therefore, osteoporosis; that it can cause obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer; milk has been blamed for reducing male fertility and, even, for causing autism! Yet, in some of these situations, the contrary has been demonstrated.

“Milk products consisting of milk, yoghurt or cheese, but not butter, are not fatty. Limiting their consumption will only result in deficiencies, whether minor or acute. In addition, milk products contain a lot of water, and are thus an important source of hydration, as well as of high quality proteins, vitamins and trace elements. Milk products are one of the main sources of selenium and zinc, which play a crucial role in major antioxidant functions; and they contain numerous other substances that provide health benefits, such as facilitating sleep.

“Whether you examine the list of milk components or read scientific and medical journals, everything shows unequivocally that milk is NOT bad for you!” Jean-Marie Bourre

This book tells you why you should consume milk, yoghurt and cheese; it lists the indispensable nutrients they provide and why they are good for you. The author, one of the top French specialists in nutrition and fats, helps us understand the food we eat, so that we will stop being victims of disinformation — whose only aim is to promote food substitutes and other scams.

In our choice of food we are swayed by numerous contradictory and erroneous messages. In order to learn to eat “healthily” there is only one solution: to understand our bodies' real needs, and to know which nutrients are contained in the food we eat. A longstanding advocate of healthy eating habits, Doctor Jean-Marie Bourre gives us the advice, and the inspiration, to learn to eat healthily

With La Diététique du cerveau, first published in 1989, Jean-Marie Bourre revolutionised our understanding of nutrition. He is a member of the French Academy of Medicine and formerly headed a research unit specialising in brain chemistry and its links to nutrition, at the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM). He recently published Bien manger: vrais et faux dangers.