
Lucy Vincent

How Do We Fall in Love? Publication date : May 11, 2006

In an effort to understand the mysteries of love, scientists have been gathering data on the hormones, pheromones and neurotransmitters that are believed to play a role in the process of falling in love. As a result, they now know more than ever before about the apparent madness that sweeps over the human brain when we fall in love, and about the biological reasons that lead some couples to separate after they have had children.
Scientists also know more about the secrets behind happy couples and about what to do to make a relationship last.
Shunning mawkish, fairy-tale visions of love, Lucy Vincent uncovers love’s true nature; she examines its ruses and calculations, but also its charm, playful fun and undiminished beauty.
This is an indispensable book for anyone who wants to learn more about love’s secrets. It will also be of great help to those who wish to master the strategies and codes of love.

Lucy Vincent holds a doctorate in neuroscience. She broadcasts on scientific subjects for Radio France and is the author of Petits arrangements avec l’amour (2005).