Contemporary History All books
Thierry Lévy
Death Before Injustice The Era of Anarchist Trials
On 8 November 1892, a bomb went off in the staircase of a Paris police station. There was little doubt it had been the act of an anarchist...
Peter Reichel
The Fascination of Nazism
All authoritative regimes look to dominate and effectively use art, culture, and the media. Each tool of popular influence is merged together to create and enforce a mythology. But no regime ever went as far as Nazism, no doubt because the Nazis were the first to understand mass culture. Peter Reichel unveils the unrivaled skill with which they knew how to create a world of illusions that allowed them to drag the Germans to disaster. Peter Reichel is a professor at the Institute of Political Science in Hamburg.
Liliane Kandel
Feminism and Nazism
The essays in this volume examine the history of womens movements during the Nazi era. The writers included here, representing a wide range of interests and backgrounds, review the various interpretations of this period given by feminist historiography today. The authors underlying assumption is that if the perspective of gender can cast light on the way we "read" certain situations and individual destinies, then, in turn, the history of the twentieth century, including the history of feminism with its upheavals and fractures, can help us to understand what is at stake in feminist studies as reflected in contemporary discussions. Liliane Kandel is a sociologist and feminist.
Patrice Brun
The Invention of Greece
A welcome look at the commonly-shared received ideas and rose-colored images of ancient Greece