
Bertrand Badie

Globalized Powers Rethinking International Security Publication date : September 6, 2021

Professor at Sciences Po Paris, Bertrand Badie stands out as a foremost expert on international relations. He is the author of over thirty highly-regarded books, including Le Temps des humiliés [The Time of the Humiliated], also published by Éditions Odile Jacob.
Which States best protect their citizens? In the face of now global threats – pandemics, environmental, economic, migratory, food crises… which powers know best how to play the right cards and develop appropriate strategies? Nation-states were constructed on the management of age-old fears (the fear of dying and of suffering, the fear of losing one’s freedom) and of risks. They appropriated a monopoly on security with territorial and military stakes, closely connected to national sovereignty.

But when risks change in nature and scope, what is the use of the former international order? Doesn’t the success of the most agile powers, which – like South Korea, Germany, and a few Scandinavian countries – know how to benefit from globalization while protecting themselves from its pitfalls, invite us to rethink security to expand it to its human dimensions? And, henceforth, mightn’t it be the entire international order that should be reviewed and recast?