
Laurent Cohen-Tanugi

Europe and America on the threshold of the 21st Century Publication date : January 1, 2004

What does the future hold for Europe and America, and for their shared destiny grounded in their common heritage of the Enlightenment and tested by two world wars? Against all expectations, the historical breach of September 11 has widened the gap between the two sides of the Atlantic. Over the past several years, the number of misunderstandings have grown, and mistrust has crept into a relationship formerly dominated by solidarity. Rejecting the dominant explanation of a temporary discord, as well as the thesis of a more profound ideological divorce, Cohen-Tanugi shows how the great political, strategic, economic and cultural changes of the past decades are responsible for creating the present breach. He strongly urges the development of a new alliance and goes on to describe the conditions that must first be met. In order to overcome the feelings of disarray that are dominant in the world today, Europe will have to be resolutely committed to its international role, and the United States will have to become fully aware of its worldwide responsibilities. And together they must serve the cause of democracy and development.

Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, a recognised authority on European and transatlantic affairs, is the author of several celebrated works, including Le Droit dans l’Etat and L’Europe en danger. He is a member of the international law firm Cleary Gottlieb and a founding member, with Jacques Delors, of the Institut Notre Europe.