
Jean-Claude Hazera

Business Leaders During the Occupation II Petainism, Intrigues, Despoiling Publication date : September 1, 1997

After more than four years of research about the commitment and action of known or lesser known figures, about the destiny of French companies such as Ricard, La Société Générale, the Banque Worms, the Aciéries du Nord, Total, L Air Liquide, here is the first in-depth study of what was the economical life like in France between 1939 and 1945. This book answers all kinds of questions such as: what did the Germans want? what was the attitude of the Vichy government, of the managers and chairmen? How were Jewish companies altered to become Aryan ones and what was the role of French administration? Who did illegal profits and how?A fascinating document written by two journalists.