Human Sciences All books

Olivier Artus, Sophie Ramond
Contemporary Challenges and the Hebrew Bible An Ethics of Good and Evil
A text that combines history, biblical science, philosophy and ethics, for an original reflection on society’s current challenges in terms of justice, ecology and human dignity.

Philippe Desan
Montaigne The Self, the Other and Time
A reference book by one of the best Montaigne specialists in the world.

Annick Le Guérer, Bruno Fourn
Scents and Sound, an Unexpected Association
The mysterious voice-scent synaesthesis

Jean-Pierre Rioux
Jaurès’ Children
Magnificent political portraits and a history lesson about the French left.

Édouard Gentaz
The True Contribution of Neuroscience to School A Neuromyth?
A clear and practical book, based on several multidisciplinary studies, which critically evaluates the true contribution of neuroscience to teaching and learning.

Jean-Marc Daniel
Rediscovering Physiocrats A Plea for an Economy that Integrates the Ecological Imperative
Contrary to popular belief, the economy and ecology are not enemies. They arose together, as reflected by the physiocratic heritage.

Samantha Besson
Inventing Europe Collège de France Autumn Colloquium 2021
This book was published under the direction of Samantha Besson, current occupant of the International Institutional Law Chair at the Collège de France

Pascal Picq
Women, Modernity and Progress
A book that looks back at history from an evolutionary perspective, by bringing women to the forefront of history and rejecting gender stereotypes that are often endorsed by historians themselves.