Human Sciences All books

Marc Abélès
Is Luxury Worth Considering? An anthropology of luxury
The originality of Marc Abélès, an anthropologist who has always carried out his research against the grain, off the beaten path. A study of luxury that does not lean on classic sociological themes from the time of Bourdieu, those of distinction and domination.

Marc Abélès
Diary of an Anthropologist From May '68 to the Gilet Jaunes
The story of an intellectual and political commitment that takes its roots in May 68. From May 68 to the Yellow Vests, an anthropologist's look and analysis of new forms of political expression

Serge Abiteboul, Jean Cattan
We Are Social Media
There is another, more democratic and participative way to regulate social media and break away from GAFAM: social media is what we make it.

Jean Adès
Sin and Madness The Psychopathology of the Deadly Sins
A unique and fascinating approach to psychiatry and psychic suffering