Didier Éribon, Claude Lévi-Strauss
From Far and Wide (Coll. Poche) Publication date : August 1, 2001
Claude Lévi-Strauss, world-famous anthropologist, author of Tristes Tropiques and the masterly Mythologiques, founder of structuralism, is regarded as one of the great thinkers of our time. He is also a very private person and has written very little of an autobiographical nature. But he has now accepted to talk to Didier Éribon who is a journalist and Michel Foucaults biographer about his intellectual life and choices, his friendships and travels, and his likes and dislikes. This book not only offers several keys to Lévi-Strausss work, it also casts a new light on his era, a century of great catastrophes but also of major discoveries.