
Yves Michaud

What Is Human Life? Publication date : September 1, 2000

This book, containing contributions by renowned French specialists in the field, follows from the earlier volume on life, published in October 2000.
The essays contained here address major issues concerning human nature and specifically human characteristics — language, laws, demography, eating habits, etc.
Contributors include Claire-Blanche Benveniste, Patrice Cayré, Bernard Cerquiglini, Jean-Claude Chesnais, Anne Christophe, Laurence Danlos, Roland Douce, Robert Ducluzeau, Oswald Ducrot, Claude Fischler, Jacques Fontanille, Philippe Frogel, Antoine Garapon, Marion Guillou, François Héran, Bernard Laks, Michel-Louis Lévy, Gérard Pascal, Dan Sperber, Alain Supiot, Hervé This, Jacques Vallin, Jacques Véron, Dominique Vermersch, Geneviève Viney.