Archaeology, Paleontology, Prehistory All books
Yves Coppens
The Past of the Present A Prehistorian’s Chronicles
Will Homo sapiens know how to adapt too? What lessons can we learn from the creatures that preceded us on Earth, and from what they were capable of doing? Who better than Yves Coppens can make us aware of the amazing relevance of the past from which we have all sprung?
Yves Coppens
The Present of the Past to the Third Power Prehistoric News
Yves Coppens reveals the latest archaeological findings and recreates prehistoric life with amazing precision
Yves Coppens
The Scholar, the Fossil, and the Prince From the Lab to Palaces
A storyteller with amazing talent, a scientist who is happy to reveal to the greatest of figures other facets of his personality: adventurous, refined, and full of humor.
Yves Coppens
How the First Humans Lived
Beautifully illustrated and vividly told, this chronological history of the first humans covers the foremost events...
Yves Coppens
The Present of the Past 4 Pastilles of Prehistory
A lively introduction to the basics of Prehistory that is both informative and entertaining