
Jean-François Gayraud

The Art of Financial War Publication date : April 13, 2016

Jean-François Gayraud has conquered a wide audience with Le Monde des mafias (“The World Of The Mafia”), La Grande Fraude (“The Big Fraud”), Géo-stratégie du crime (“Geostrategy of Crime”) et Le nouveau capitalisme criminel (“The New Criminal Capitalism”), all published by Odile Jacob. A senior official of the National Police and a Doctor of Law, he is a graduate of the Institute of Political Studies in Paris and the Paris Institute of Criminology.

In this short and powerful pamphlet, Jean-Francois Gayraud exposes the war waged by finance against states and peoples. A war of encroachment which is based, he says, on the migration of capital, responsibilities, debt and populations, and thrives on the increasingly blurred distinction between legal and illegal.
This new conflict is revealed in the fraudulent activity committed by finance, with total impunity, since the 1980s: laundering drug money, tax evasion, manipulation of exchange rates, the proliferation of fraudulent loans, bad investment advice, and so on.
You don’t need a crystal ball to see finance continuing with ease in its unopposed advance, working at its dual purpose making a digitized and share-owning world. Thus, with social and economic policy ever more integrated in a digital-financial alchemy, we will see the algorithm programmers and their masters confirmed as true lords of the ice age that lies ahead…"— Jean-François Gayraud

A sharp writer and a real talent as pamphleteer.
A profound analysis of the unbridled power of finance