Philosophy All books

Philippe Desan
Montaigne The Self, the Other and Time
A reference book by one of the best Montaigne specialists in the world.

Pierre-André Taguieff
Philo-Semitism Is Philo-Semitism an Antisemitism?
The ambiguities surrounding the Jewish question emanating from intellectuals and so-called “philo-semititic” personalities are closely analyzed here, in light of ever more troubling current events. A strong and disturbing book.

Marc Crépon
The Desire to Resist A Critical Mind for Our Times
The struggle against all forms of authority, a critical mind, and the ability to think for ourselves, are the best weapons against those who want to convince us of our insignificance.

Yves Quéré
On Beauty Twenty-Six Ariettas
Does beauty reside in aesthetic contemplation, intellectual depth, technical achievement? Twenty-six intersecting miscellanea for intellectual happiness.

Joëlle Proust
Thinking Fast or Thinking Well
By revealing the individual and social implications of cognitive functioning, an overview of up-to-date knowledge enabling us to understanding our thinking and to control it more in practice.

Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Céline Jurgensen
Nuclear Imaginaries
A cross-sectional approach: from the curious to the specialist, all audiences will find food for thought here. From fiction (cartoons, cinema…) to the military perspective, and including literary references, a great variety of subjects are broached.

Hugo Mercier , Dan Sperber
The Enigma of Reason
Ambitious, provocative, fascinating, this book gives readers resources to rethink their own way of thinking.

François Dosse
Philosophical Friendships
A sensitive light shed on the philosophical subjects that the reader thus (re)discovers, from existentialism to event philosophy...