
Françoise Collin

Have Humans Become Superfluous? Hannah Arendt Publication date : November 1, 1999

Hannah Arendt’s writings and ideas must be viewed against the backdrop of her historical and personal experience as a Jewish woman and as a philosophy student in 1930s Germany, who was forced to face anti-Semitism and later Nazism before being forced to emigrate. Although her work was first read as an analysis of totalitarianism, it is above all an attempt to recreate our “common world” by replacing the many which are all alike with the many made up of unlike members and migrants, and which stresses citizenship based on place of residence.
L’Homme est-il Devenu Superflu is a strikingly original work that seeks to emphasise the politically premonitory character of Hannah Arendt’s philosophy of pain and birth, which was both a reply and a retort to Heidegger.

A writer and philosopher, Françoise Collin is the author of numerous works including Maurice Blanchot et la Question de l’Ecriture, Le Différend des Sexes and Je Partirai d’un Mot.
She is the editor of Les Cahier du Grif, which recently published a special issue on Hannah Arendt, under her direction.