
Marc Crépon

Violence Why do we consent to violence? Publication date : October 26, 2016

Marc Crépon, head of the Philosophy Department at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, currently holds the chair that formerly belonged to Jacques Derrida at the University of California, Irvine.
The violence that is tearing at the fabric of our society took us by surprise. Accustomed as we were to organized conflicts and distant wars, we have been overwhelmed by the brutal hatred being expressed towards us. Understanding it is no longer enough. We need to respond. And we must flush it out from behind the masks it can wear: a religion, a faith or a nation.

Marc Crépon, specialist in political philosophy, here denounces what he calls “murderous consent,” the way in which we consent, passively or actively, to violence perpetrated against others.
Through an analysis of those icons of non-violence Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, Marc Crépon shows how to emerge triumphant from the ordeal of hatred, starting with denouncing justifying discourse, the so-called “just causes” it pretends to serve, and by refusing to consent.